Dear theatre enthusiasts,
The new academic year has started, which means another chance for LEF to introduce new students to the fantastic world of English theatre. We’re assembling a board and production team. We are sorry to say that responses for these positions have been few. Unfortunately if these positions cannot be filled by enough people, LEF will not be able to put on a show this semester. We are looking for the following positions to get our first play of the year started:
- Artistic director
- Producer
- Public relations officers
- Treasurer
- Director (if you have an idea for a play, please let us know)
- Stage manager
If you would like to aid LEF in remaining a successful theatre group, please send in your application to, along with a short introduction or motivation. The deadline for sending in your application is 16/09/2016. If you have any questions about these positions, feel free to also send your questions to that address.
With love,
The LEF Theatre Group Board 2015/2016,
Suzanne van Dolen, Ben Pleij, Mark van der Salm, Katja Feiler
I have been trying, since September, to contact you..
Are you still looking for volunteers?
Bruce Tallon
Please contact me.. 608-289-1410
Been trying to find you for years